Waffle Wednesday: How to build a BIG small business with a modest but mighty email list with Eman Ismail.

Eman Ismail Waffle Wednesday

Eman Ismail is an email conversion strategist and copywriter at Eman Copy Co. She works with businesses all over the world helping them to make money with their emails and newsletters, emails that makes the subscribers want to open their email and makes them excited. Eman also has a podcast “Mistakes That Made Me” where she interviews business owners and asks them their biggest mistakes.


For nearly four years, Eman has been steadily growing her own email list, and she has gained a loyal following of 1,900 subscribers. Her mission? To debunk the myth that you need a massive email list to get profits. After all, a big list doesn’t automatically translate to big earnings, just as a small list doesn’t mean you’re destined for no revenue. She believes in the power of small email lists and shared with us her top five strategies for helping to build big small business.



1. Connection first approach


When it comes to building your email list, Eman’s golden rule is to treat your followers as real people, not just faceless subscribers. People crave connection, and that’s what she offers. She crafts her emails as if she’s writing to a friend, not an anonymous crowd. Generic emails can break the connection that you´ve been working so hard to build.  She wants business owners to stop thinking emails as just a marketing tool and start thinking them as way to build connections. Email is the most powerful tool when you use it as one to one communication between you and the subscriber.



2. Inviting connections


Invite people to answer, reply and give you feedback. Eman used Wonderland as an example of how to successfully invite connections. For example, Wonderland could send an email to subscribers that says “if you’re interested of our membership, click this link. Then create a new segment based on those that clicked the link and send them follow up email. This is a way of making people behind the email to feel seen and heard.



3. Conducting audience research


Get to know your subscribers. With the help of your subscribers, you can create the perfect offers for them. Eman used audience research to create an offer that was completely sold out by using her subscribers help. When it comes to email marketing you want to make sure that the emails you are sending are relevant to the one that you send it to which is why it is important to get to know the people on your list

4. Experimenting


Eman believes in thinking outside the box. For instance, she once created a segment of subscribers who were close to purchasing but abandoned their carts. She asked them to reply with any questions they had, along with a link to book a call with her. This resulted in around 50 % of them going ahead with the purchase. A little creativity and personal interaction can go a long way.



5. Redefine value


Eman emphasizes that value isn’t limited to educational content and tips. It doesn’t have to be a source of pressure. Value can come in the form of fun and excitement, whatever your subscribers find valuable. It’s essential to remember that value can take on various shapes.



“You don´t have to have a huge email list, you just need a good email strategy.” Eman Ismail.


When you adopt the “Connection First” approach in email marketing, you cultivate a loyal, profitable, and genuinely engaged email community. The size of your list becomes less of an issue. You’ll have an email community that genuinely wants to hear from you, support you, and become your biggest fans. So, don’t forget to inject some personality into your emails, especially if you’re a small business. Your subscribers want to get to know the real you.



Watch the whole talk here.


Instagram: @emancopyco

Podcast: Mistakes That Made Me

Website: Eman Copy Co.


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