Remote office

Made in advertising collaboration with Wonderland

June begins on this week’s Saturday and this means that the summer has finally started. For me, summer is always a bit quieter for work and this, of course, also means less income. In previous years, knowledge of this has caused anxiety. How can I enjoy my free time and with a good conscience when I know I can’t charge in the same way as usual?

This year, fortunately, my situation is different. The year has started very well, so for once I’m in a situation where I do not have to worry about my income as in previous summers. Nonetheless, I find myself getting worried about my situation the same way. Can I really take a vacation? How much should I work? How much do I want to work? What do I do if I don’t have enough projects to work with?

Although the billable work is not at a normal pace, I have a novel to work on and a few other projects in the makes. It is certain that my speed at work will finally be more peaceful this summer!

What is an entrepreneur’s summer like?

Summer is often a bit of a question mark for an entrepreneur, so I wanted to ask Wonderland coworking colleagues Jennifer and Ama from Kumous what they think about working in the summer. Here are their answers!


I have designed to travel for a few weeks in the summer, but in addition, I try to be as efficient as possible at work, so that I can properly enjoy my spare time. I don’t want to make the same mistake as last summer when I worked long days and stressed that I should be having my free time. And in my free time, I thought that I should be at work.

I intend to implement my plan in as simple way as deciding that I am working, for example, from 7 am to 12 am Monday to Friday (or whole days when the weather is bad). I will set myself the goal of how many hours I will work and where I will be concentrating. As a result, I can also spend my free time with good conscience.

For a long time, I have had an idea that I have not been able to prioritize from my work. I want to start this project this summer, when the work with customers calms down anyway. In this sense, summer is the perfect time to build projects that do not necessarily bring income, but are sensible investments in the long run.

I will also focus on waking up as early as possible in order to get the work done in the mornings. I believe I need my friends’ support in the workplace because this will be a big challenge for me. So, wish me luck!


I like walking meetings. Now that the weather allows it is wonderful to have them. A walking meeting can even culminate in the summer atmosphere of Linnanmäki in the form of a coffee break. So, during the summer, I will take advantage of everything in my area, walking meetings and coffee breaks in various places. Wonderful to sit on the terrace and eat lunch.

It is also nice to travel by bike (city bikes!) or walk to different meetings in the summer, it brings a different kind of flair than the subway. When the sun shines it’s great to cycle to meetings, and you get to spend time outside, in the summer atmosphere. The Wonderland terrace is amazing when the sun is shining in the afternoon and it is also good for having meetings.

And then, as an entrepreneur, one must remember the holiday. Although it would be a job to share with others, it is important for an entrepreneur to spend the summer and take a break from everyday life.

Five tips for an entrepreneur: What should be taken into account in working in summer?

I try to work in the summer simply less than normal. After a week I travel by train to greet my friends in Sweden, Denmark and Germany. Before this trip I try to get as much “real” work done as possible. In late summer I hope to be able to concentrate on writing a novel and having a holiday. I’m looking forward to it!

With a couple of years of experience in entrepreneurship and working as a freelancer, I can say that summer feels challenging for many reasons. So here are five tips to make your summer work as good as possible.

1. Design your work carefully and set reasonable goals

When are you going to work, how much and what do you want to achieve? Set yourself a reasonable goal and follow how well you achieve it. It’s okay to work less in the summer, so don’t be too ambitious and try to do just about anything that comes ahead.

2. Take the rest of the day off

If you have decided to work three hours a day, do not work any more. For example, do as Jennifer and plan to do the work during the morning. You can then have a free conscience for the rest of the day. Finland is at its best in the summer, so enjoy it!

3. Do things you won’t otherwise have time for

Do you have a bigger project in your mind that you have never found time for before? Take advantage of the more peaceful pace of the summer and start developing an idea that has been in your mind for a long time. Make a detailed plan. “Write a book” is not concrete enough on your to do list to get it done. Divide into smaller parts!

4. Work with others

Do you have an entrepreneur or freelance colleague with whom you could join together? Work together from somebody’s home or book a cottage where you can work in a peaceful environment. It is much more fun to work in the summer if you have company!

5. Have free time

The work of the entrepreneur never ends – there is always something you could do. In order to survive the fall, it is very important that you remember to have at least a couple weeks of free time and to charge energy for upcoming trials. In addition, it is much more comfortable to return to work after a summer after a good rest.

With regard to the fourth point, I have a tip for anyone who wants to find a work community around the summer. Wonderland has a great offer for freelancers! You can test your work here for ten days at a cost of 120 € (+ taxes). What makes the offer even better is that it includes lunch at our downstairs restaurant, Alice. Lunch costs ten euros anyway, so this is a really great opportunity to come and test the facilities at the same time.

But we all have to eat lunch, so why not do it with others who also work in the summer? Please email or come directly to Wonderland to visit. Maybe we will see in the summer at the office?

Are you going to work in the summer or take time off? Or do you have some good tips to all those who work hard trough the summer?

Michaela Von Kügelgen