Taina Pereenniemi. How to get organized.

How to get organized (in your life or work life?)

June’s Waffle Wednesday speaker was . Taina shared her knowledge about organizing life. Taina’s background is from the corporate and start-up world, so she talks about her experience in those fields. Her mission is to help smaller companies create strategies.


What kind of role do organizing systems play in your business?

In this blog post, we talk about tools and systems, which mean different digital systems that companies are using.  Many companies use Trello, which is a service tool. Many companies are still wondering what tools are important and really necessary for success. The speaker, Taina, explained misconceptions that people have regarding Notion and other tools.

Taina Pereenniemi made a presentation and gave us four key points which describe the profits of using systems in business world.  By combining them, you get information that helps your company to manage and maintain its operations.

The mentioned key points are:

  • Tools
    • Companies should have proper technology to help them success in their fields
  • Procedures
    • Helps companies manage their work
  • Information
    • Having necessary information helps the company grow
  • Teamwork
    • Teamwork is important at work, so having the right person to do their work will double the outcome


As the speaker introduced at the beginning, having the proper tools and systems is the key to a successful company. When the company has the required tools, success is secured. “When you use the right tools, it gives you freedom!” says Taina. Systems make companies’ work easier and let the workers focus on their other important duties. This can be noticed for example, when we talk about delegating and dividing tasks to the different workers.

There are three different systems, that every business owner needs – management, operation systems and support from another source.


By management Taina means that you have someone or something as a back-up who covers and leads your business as a help. Having operating systems like Notion and Trello, by your side as a marketing tool, you have optional way of showing and delivering value to your customers. This also helps you to reach out to the customers better and on another level. Lastly Taina explained that it is important to have a supportive team behind you. By hiring and creating a team that really works well together helps you to specialize your systems for company management.

How different are Notion compared to the other popular management tools?

Famous tools, such as Trello, Microsoft and Monday are similar to Notion, but Notion is greater tool when we use documents, as an example. Taina listed Asana and ClickUp as other good tools for companies.


Possibilities of organizing business with Notion

With Notion, everything can be customized and categorized in programs and it allows you to set your goals easily. With early set goals, it is easy to make yourself a system that has a good ground work. This system can be a pillar system, which means that it is easy to build on. Then how can we  build a system like this?


With these three steps, you can build a tool, that looks just like you:

  1. Do it yourself – Build a tool that is made for your company’s needs
  2. Use templates – The templates are made for making the work easier, so instead of not using them at all, you should use them well. Templates can be edited for the company’s needs
  3. Do consulting – This is important, since developing alone is hard. Having an outside point of view can be awakening for the business


Live video from the event is found in here.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taina.pereenniemi/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tainapereenniemi/

Website: https://www.tainapereenniemi.com

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