Wonderland Waffle Wednesday. Que Vadis Digital Nomad?

Event date: 09.Nov.2022 – 09:00
Event location: Wonderland Leppävaara

Liisa Hämeen-Anttila is currently working as a judge at the Insurance Court. She studied law in Finland and later specialized on questions concerning international labour law and social security at KULeuven, Belgium.

Que Vadis Digital Nomad?

Liisa will focus on the very latest trends on what is going on in the domain of remote work in cross-border situations. While the phenomenon of the so called digital nomads was already gaining traction among young professionals, the pandemic with work-from-home (WFH) initiatives really sparked the idea of taking remote work to another country. This became especially popular within the EU countries. Also many Finnish companies allowed their staff to move to another member state to perform telework.
Liisa will outline how things stand now and what kind of legal problems online work has created in the EU given the fact that EU legislation does not recognise a cross border remote work model.

Secondly she will talk about digital nomad visa programs that many countries have been busy setting up just during the last couple of years.
What are the legal hazards one should take into account when considering taking these options?

– How did cross-border telework disrupt the idea of free movement of workers in the EU?
– Pitfalls in cross-border recruiting: A case study.
– The Digital Nomad Visa programs.
– What to consider when planning on applying for a Digital Nomad Visa?

This event will be held in English .
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– Please arrive to the event only 100% healthy and without symptoms
– You’re most welcome to wear a mask if you so choose!
– Remember to keep a safe distance between other participants and disinfect regularly